How To Potty Train an American Bully Puppy? – Complete Guide

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Are you struggling to potty train your American Bully pup? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

In this article, we will walk you through the process of how to potty train an American bully puppy step by step, providing you with all the information you need to successfully train your furry friend.

From the best age to start training to effective techniques and tips, we will help you navigate this important milestone with confidence.

Get ready to say goodbye to accidents and hello to a well-behaved and house-trained pup!

Key Takeaways to Help You Successfully Potty Train Your American Bully Pup:

  • Establish a routine:
  • Take your puppy outside to the designated potty area after waking up, eating, and playing.
  • Use verbal cues like ‘go potty’ to reinforce the desired behavior.
  • Supervise and prevent accidents:
  • Keep a close eye on your puppy and use a crate or baby gate to limit access to the house.
  • Take your puppy outside every 1-2 hours to avoid accidents indoors.
  • Reward and reinforce:
  • Praise and offer treats immediately after your puppy successfully eliminates outside.
  • Clean up accidents with an enzymatic cleaner to remove any lingering scent.

With consistency, positive reinforcement, and a little bit of patience, you can successfully potty train your American Bully puppy in a few months.

At What Age Should My American Bully Puppy Be Potty Trained?

Potty training is an essential part of your puppy’s development and should ideally begin as early as 8 to 12 weeks old.

If you train your pup which is less than 8 weeks old then it might be too young to understand your command which can make you frustrated and it will take eventually a longer time to train them.

And if you train your pup which is more than 12 weeks old. then they might have developed the bad habit and it will take patience to train them.

It is recommended for your pup when they are 8 to 12 weeks old. This is the prime time to establish good habits and teach them where to relieve themselves.

However, every puppy is different, and some may take longer to grasp the concept. It is important to be patient and consistent during the potty training process.

Age and Duration of Potty Training
Potty train before 12 weeks old
Training begins between 9 and 12 weeks
Puppies started after 12 weeks may take longer
Dogs with poor potty behaviors may take longer
Fully trained by 4 to 6 months old
Can take up to 6 months
Some puppies catch on at 4 months
Others may take up to a year

How Long Does it Take to Potty Train an American Bully Puppy?

Potty training an American Bully puppy typically takes around 6 months. Keep in mind that this is just an approximate timeframe;

Some puppies may catch on quickly, achieving success in as little as 3 to 4 months, while others might struggle and require up to a year to become fully trained.

Remember, consistency and patience are key to successfully training your pup to potty/ pee outside

Preparing for Potty Training

To prepare for successfully training your puppy, Here are a few points before starting that you should know about-

  • You should have a proper size crate which is not too big or not to small for your pup.
  • You should have plenty of tasty treats to give them.
  • Make sure you have a good quality dog urine/poop odor cleaner
  • Well-balanced dog/puppy food
  • Patience and Consistency.

Above all the points I have mentioned nothing comes close to patience and consistency. when it comes to potty training patience and consistency is the key.

You need to have it as potty training can be a frustrating journey!! Now we are ready we can start our potty training.

Step By Step Guide To Potty Train Your American Bully Pup

1. Start the Training at an early age:

If possible start training your pup at the age of between 9 to 12 weeks. This is the best age for potty training them. benefits of starting early is that at this age they are like black canvas we will more like to grasp things quickly.

However, it is not possible for everyone to train them at an early. If your puppy is 12 weeks or over 12 weeks old you can still train them, it will require just more time.

If the pup you bought at home has become accustomed to pottying /peeing in the crate or pee pads or inside the house then it can take more time to potty train them.

Just stick to the plan with consistency and patience and you will eventually train them.

2. Balanced Diet

How to potty train to an american bully puppy

Credit- QBN kennel

A nutritious diet plays an important role in potty training as well. It affects the puppy’s bathroom habits and overall health.

Ensure that your puppy’s diet includes protein, vegetables, fruits, grains, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Some dogs may have food allergies or underlying health issues, so it’s important to check for any specific dietary requirements.

If your pup having issues due to foods like diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, etc. it can hinder the potty training process. So, make sure you feed them a high-quality diet.

3. Have a Proper Schedule and Monitor Their Food and Water Intake

This is crucial because what goes in must come out. By keeping a close eye on their eating and drinking habits, you can predict when they will need to eliminate and establish a routine accordingly.

Limiting their water intake before bedtime can help prevent accidents during the night.

Have a fixed feeding schedule and do not feed them irregularly as it can lead to poor appetite and can lead to obesity.

Usually, it is recommended to feed an American bully 3 times a day the amount of food will depend on what food brand you feed them. check the instructions for the food and feed them accordingly at the fixed time.

Pick up the food after 20 minutes if your pup does not eat it will teach them at what time they should and will also help them with metabolism and the training process.

Feeding them at regular intervals will regulate their bowel movements, making it easier for you to anticipate when they need to go outside.

4. Frequent bathroom breaks

american bully potty break

As already discussed, having a feeding schedule is crucial for potty training success. By sticking to a consistent schedule, your puppy will learn when to expect food and when to anticipate bathroom breaks.

To help you visualize the importance of this routine, here is a table that outlines the recommended potty break schedule:

Upon WakingTake your American Bully puppy outside in the morning. Give them a command, such as “go potty.”
After MealsTake your puppy outside for a potty break within 15 -30 minutes after having a meal or drinking water.
After NapsTake your puppy outside for a potty break after naps.
After PlaytimeTake your puppy outside for a potty break after playtime.
Every 1-2 hours(if your pup’s age between 8 to 12 weeks)Take your puppy to a specific spot outside for potty time.
Every 2-3 hours( if your pup’s age between 12 to 16 weeks)Take your puppy to a specific spot outside for potty time.
Every 3-4 hours( if your pup’s age between 16 to 20 weeks)Take your puppy to a specific spot outside for potty time.
Every 4 to 6 hours (if your pup’s age is 20 + weeks)Take your puppy to a specific spot outside for potty time.
Last Thing at NightTake your puppy outside for a potty break before bedtime.

Following this schedule ensures that your puppy has regular opportunities to relieve themselves outside. Remember to supervise them closely during potty breaks and reward them for using the bathroom in the appropriate spot.

5. Using a crate or confinement area

The integration of crate training helps in creating a safe space for your puppy. Crate training is an effective method to teach your American Bully puppy where they should go to relieve themselves and to prevent accidents in the house. By providing a crate, you are giving your puppy a den-like environment, which they instinctively seek for comfort and security.

When introducing crate training, it is important to choose the right size crate for your puppy. The crate should be big enough for them to comfortably stand, turn around, and lie down. It should not be too big, as this may encourage them to eliminate in one corner and sleep in another.

To integrate crate training successfully, start by gradually introducing your puppy to the crate. Place their bed or a blanket inside, along with some toys and treats. Encourage them to enter the crate on their own, using positive reinforcement such as praise and rewards. Initially, keep the crate door open and allow your puppy to explore at their own pace.

Once your puppy is comfortable entering the crate, start closing the door for short periods of time. Stay nearby and provide reassurance, gradually increasing the duration. This will help your puppy associate the crate with positive experiences and feel secure inside.

Remember to never use the crate as a punishment. It should be a safe and inviting space for your puppy to retreat to, not a place of confinement or isolation. With patience and consistency, crate training can be a valuable tool in potty training your American Bully puppy.

Here’s a helpful table to guide you through the process of using a crate or confinement area for potty training your pup:

1Introduce the crate graduallyAllow your pup to explore the crate on their own terms. Place their favorite toys or treats inside to encourage positive associations.
2Use positive reinforcementReward your pup with praise and treats when they enter the crate willingly. This will help them associate the crate with positive experiences.
3Establish a routineSet a consistent schedule for crate time, including regular bathroom breaks. This will help your pup develop a sense of routine and reduce accidents.
4Never use the crate for punishmentThe crate should always be seen as a safe and comfortable space for your pup. Using it for punishment will create negative associations and hinder the potty training process.

6. Recognizing Signs that your puppy needs to go

Pay attention to the signs that your puppy needs to go outside to use the bathroom. Recognizing these signs is crucial for successful potty training.

  • First and foremost, keep an eye out for sniffing and circling behavior. Dogs have a natural instinct to sniff the ground before eliminating.
  • If you notice your puppy repeatedly sniffing a specific area or circling around, it’s a clear indication that they need to go.
  • Additionally, sudden restlessness or pacing can be a sign that your puppy needs to relieve itself.
  • Squatting or lifting a leg
  • Whining or scratching at the door are also common signs.

It’s important to be attentive and responsive to these cues, as ignoring them may lead to accidents inside the house. By recognizing these signs, you can quickly guide your puppy outside to the appropriate spot to do their business.

7. Cleaning up accidents properly

how to potty train an american bully puppy

When your puppy has an accident inside, make sure to clean it up quickly and thoroughly to prevent lingering odors. Not only is it important for hygiene purposes, but it also helps in the potty training process.

Dogs have a keen sense of smell, and if they can still detect the scent of their urine or feces, they may be more likely to repeat the behavior in the same spot.

To ensure proper cleaning, follow these steps:

1Use paper towels or a cloth to blot up as much of the mess as possible.
2Apply an enzymatic cleaner to the affected area. This type of cleaner breaks down the organic compounds in urine and feces, eliminating the odor.
3Let the cleaner sit for the recommended amount of time, usually a few minutes.
4Blot up the cleaner with paper towels or a clean cloth.
5Rinse the area with water and blot it dry.

8. Celebrating milestones

When your furry friend reaches important milestones in their potty training journey, it’s time to celebrate their progress. Potty training can be a challenging process, but when your American Bully pup starts showing signs of success, it’s important to acknowledge their achievements and provide positive reinforcement.

Here are some ways to celebrate their milestones:

  • Give them a special treat: Offering a tasty reward, such as a small piece of their favorite dog treat, can be a great way to show your pup that they’re doing a good job.
  • Offer verbal praise: Dogs respond well to positive reinforcement, so be sure to lavish them with praise and encouragement when they successfully use the designated potty area.
  • Playtime and affection: Show your pup some extra love and attention after they reach a milestone. Engage in a fun play session or give them a belly rub to make them feel appreciated.

9. Patience and consistency

American bully can be stubborn sometimes, especially when they are in their puppy stages, so it is important you follow a strict schedule while potty training your puppy.

Puppies are adorable but naturally curious, similar to human children. They want to constantly check things out and want to test your limit. As their leader, guide them gently without scolding or punishing them.

You have to be firm yet soft while training. When you consistently and patiently follow the routine, setting clear boundaries, your puppy will become housebroken in no time.

Common Problems You Might Face While Potty Training and its Solution

When potty training your American Bully pup, you may encounter a few common problems. Dealing with accidents is an important aspect of the training process, and it’s essential to handle them calmly and with patience.

Additionally, regression in training can occur, and it’s crucial to understand why it happens and how to address it effectively.

Lastly, addressing any fear or anxiety your pup may have during training is crucial for their progress and overall well-being.

1. Dealing with accidents

If accidents happen during potty training, don’t scold or punish your American Bully pup. It’s important to approach accidents with patience and understanding.

Here are four tips to help you deal with accidents effectively:

  1. Remain calm: Reacting with anger or frustration will only confuse and scare your pup. Stay calm and composed to create a positive learning environment.
  2. Clean up promptly: Accidents should be cleaned up immediately to prevent your pup from associating the area with their designated potty spot. Use an enzyme-based cleaner to eliminate any lingering odor.
  3. Reinforce the training: Focus on reinforcing the desired behavior by rewarding your pup with treats and praise when they successfully eliminate it in the designated area.
  4. Consistency is key: Stick to a consistent potty schedule and take your pup outside frequently.

2. Handling regression in training

To handle regression in training, you may need to reevaluate your approach and make necessary adjustments. Regression can occur when your American Bully pup starts having accidents again after making progress in potty training.

This can be frustrating, but it’s important to stay patient and consistent. One way to handle regression is to reinforce the training process by going back to basics.

Use positive reinforcement and reward your pup for going into the designated potty area. Additionally, consider keeping a schedule for potty breaks to prevent accidents.

It’s also helpful to supervise your pup closely and interrupt any accidents to redirect them to the appropriate spot. Remember, consistency is key in training your American Bully pup.

Tips for Handling Regression in Training
– Reevaluate your approach
– Reinforce the training process
– Keep a schedule for potty breaks
– Supervise closely and redirect
– Stay patient and consistent

3. Addressing fear or anxiety during training

Addressing fear or anxiety during training can be challenging, When it comes to potty training an American Bully pup, it’s important to create a calm and supportive environment.

Start by introducing your pup to their designated potty area and establish a consistent routine.

If your pup shows signs of fear or anxiety during the training process, it’s crucial to remain calm and avoid punishment. Instead, provide reassurance and praise when they exhibit the desired behavior.

Gradually expose your pup to different environments and situations to help them build confidence. Remember to take things at their pace and celebrate their progress.


Can I Use Crate Training to Help With Potty Training My American Bully Puppy?

Yes, you can use crate training to help with potty training your American Bully puppy. It provides a safe and enclosed space for your puppy to learn bladder control and associate the crate with positive experiences.

What Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid When Potty Training an American Bully Puppy?

When potty training your American Bully puppy, it’s important to avoid common mistakes. These may include inconsistent schedules, not rewarding good behavior, or punishing accidents. Stay patient, consistent, and positive to ensure successful potty training.

Should I Use Puppy Pads or Take My American Bully Puppy Outside to Potty Train?

You should take your American Bully puppy outside to potty train. Puppy pads can confuse them and make it harder to transition to going outside. Consistency and positive reinforcement are key to successful potty training.

What if My American Bully Puppy Continues to Have Accidents Even After Being Potty Trained?

If your American Bully puppy continues to have accidents even after being potty trained, it could be due to various reasons. Make sure to reinforce consistent bathroom routines, monitor their behavior, and consult a professional trainer or veterinarian if needed.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, potty training your American Bully puppy should begin at around 8 to 12 weeks of age. Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key to successfully potty training your pup.

Remember to establish a routine, take your puppy outside frequently, and praise them when they eliminate in the designated area. Accidents may happen, but it’s important to remain calm and not punish your puppy.

With time and effort, your American Bully will become fully potty trained and enjoy a clean and comfortable environment.


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