American Bully Size Chart: Size Up Your American Bully with Confidence!!

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Are you a proud owner of an American Bully? Do you find yourself constantly wondering how big your pup will grow or if they are underweight or overweight? Understanding the growth and size variations of an American Bully can be confusing, but fear not, we have created an American Bully Size Chart to help guide you through the process.

In this article, we will delve into the various sizes of American Bullies, how to measure their height accurately, and the stages of growth from puppyhood to adulthood. We will also discuss factors that can affect their size and health issues that can hinder their growth.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of what to expect as your furry friend grows and how best to care for them at every stage.

How Big Do American Bullies Get?

You’re dying to know how massive these pups can grow, aren’t you? Well, American Bullies come in different sizes and it’s essential to know the range they can grow.

The height of an adult American Bully ranges from 13 inches to 23 inches at the shoulder. Males usually stand taller than females, with a difference of about two inches.

When it comes to weight, American Bullies vary depending on their size and build. 

A pocket-sized American Bully weighs between 11-22 pounds while Standard-sized ones weigh between 80-140 pounds. 

There is also an XL Version that can weigh up to 150 pounds! Keep in mind that these dogs should be muscular and well-proportioned – not fat nor too skinny.

As for growth rate, American Bullies develop quickly in their first year of life. 

They will reach half their adult height by six months old and will continue growing until they are around one year old.

 However, this doesn’t mean all Bullies stop growing at one year; some may continue filling out until they are two or three years old.

It’s important not to overfeed your puppy during this time as it can lead to health problems later on in life.

What Are the Sizes of American Bully?

So, what are the sizes of an American Bully? Well, there are four different sizes: pocket, standard, classic and  XL. 

The pocket size is the smallest and can weigh up to 11-20 lbs and can grow up to 17 inches at the withers and no less than 13 inches.

The standard size is a bit larger and can weigh up to 60 -110 lbs and can grow up to 20 inches at the withers but no less than 17 inches.

The Classic bully has the same height as a standard American bully they just have a slightly more lean body.

The American Bully XL is even bigger, weighing between 80-120 lbs for males and between 70-100 lbs for females. They measure from 20 to 23 inches in height at their shoulders.

American Bully Size Chart

American Bully SizeWeightHeight (Male)Height (Female)
Pocket11 – 22 lbs14″ – 17″13″ – 16″
Standard60 – 110 lbs17″ – 20″16″ – 19″
Classic45 – 80 lbs17″ – 20″16″ – 19″
XL80 – 140 lbs20″ – 23″19″ – 22″

How Do You Measure an American Bully’s Height?

American bully height measure

To measure your American Bully’s height accurately, simply stand them up straight and use a measuring tape to determine their height at the withers, which is the highest point of their shoulder blades that can be seen from a side view.

Here are some tips to make sure you get an accurate measurement:

  • Make sure your dog is standing as straight as possible without slouching or leaning.
  • Have someone hold onto your dog’s collar or leash to prevent them from moving around while you take measurements.
  • Use a soft measuring tape and start at the floor, bringing it up over your dog’s back until it reaches the highest point of its shoulders.

Keep in mind that American Bullies can vary in size depending on their breed type and genetics. Some may be taller and leaner, while others may be shorter and more muscular. It’s important to understand what size range your particular dog falls into so you can provide appropriate care and training.

If you’re still unsure about how to measure your American Bully’s height, don’t hesitate to consult with a veterinarian or professional breeder who can give you more guidance. Remember, proper measurement is key to understanding growth and size variations for this unique

Average Neck Size of the American Bully And How to Measure It?

On average, the neck size of the American bully should range between 14- 18 inches in circumference. You can measure the size using a measuring tape here’s how-

  • Get a flexible measuring tape or a piece of string and a ruler. The measuring tape or string should be soft and bendable for accurate measurements.
  • Make sure your dog is standing comfortably and relaxed. It’s best to measure the neck size when your dog is calm, not excited or agitated.
  • Place the measuring tape or string around the base of your American Bully’s neck. The base of the neck is where the neck meets the shoulders.
  • Adjust the measuring tape or string so that it fits snugly around the neck but is not too tight. It should be tight enough to give an accurate measurement but still allow your dog to breathe comfortably.
  • Take note of the measurement where the end of the measuring tape or string meets the rest of it. If you’re using a string, mark the overlapping point with a pen or your finger, and then measure the length using a ruler.

How Do You Accurately Measure an American Bully’s Weight?

To accurately measure your bully’s weight, you’ll need to use a scale and weigh them regularly. This is especially important for American bullies as they tend to be more prone to gaining weight than other breeds. Here’s how you can measure them accurately –

Use a reliable and accurate scale: Choose a scale that can accommodate the weight of your American Bully. Ideally, a digital scale with a large platform works best.

Prepare the scale: Make sure the scale is placed on a flat and stable surface. Ensure it is calibrated correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Calm your American Bully: Encourage your dog to step onto the scale by using positive reinforcement, treats, or a familiar command. Ensure they feel comfortable and relaxed during the process.

Weigh your American Bully: Gently guide your dog onto the scale, ensuring all four paws are evenly distributed on the platform. Take note of the weight displayed on the scale. For accuracy, repeat the weighing process a couple of times to get an average weight.

Subtract any interference: If you are using a large towel or any other object to help steady your American Bully on the scale, weigh the object separately before the weighing process. Later, subtract its weight from the total weight obtained when weighing your dog.

It’s also important to take note of their body condition score (BCS), which is an assessment of their muscle and fat distribution throughout their body.

If you’re unsure about how much your American bully should weigh, consult with your veterinarian or refer to an American Bully size chart for guidance. Remember that every dog is different and what may be considered a healthy weight for one dog may not necessarily apply to another.

How To Know if My American Bully Is Underweight or Overweight?

american bully size chart growth

If you’re worried about your furry companion’s health, it’s important to know how to determine if they’re at a healthy weight or not. Being underweight or overweight can both lead to health issues that could affect your dog’s quality of life.

To determine if your American Bully is underweight or overweight, you need to start by understanding what their ideal weight should be. 

The ideal weight for an American Bully depends on their age, sex, and size. You can consult the American Bully size chart to find out what the average weight range is for dogs of different sizes. 

However, keep in mind that each dog is unique and may have different needs based on their activity level and overall health. It’s best to consult with your veterinarian to determine what your individual dog’s ideal weight should be.

Once you have an idea of what your American Bully’s ideal weight should be, there are a few signs you can look for to see if they are underweight or overweight. 

An underweight dog may have visible ribs and spine, lack energy and muscle mass, and have a dull coat. 

An overweight dog may have difficulty breathing due to excess fat around the chest area, struggle with mobility due to joint pain caused by carrying extra weight, and suffer from obesity-related conditions such as diabetes or heart disease.

By monitoring your American Bully’s diet and exercise routine closely, you can ensure that they stay within their ideal weight range for optimal health.

At What Age Does American Bully Stop Growing?

You may be curious about when your furry friend will reach their full potential and stop growing, which is important to know for their overall health and well-being.

American Bully dogs typically reach their maximum height and weight between 12-18 months of age. However, it’s important to note that some dogs may continue to fill out until they are two years old.

The size of an American Bully can vary greatly depending on the breeding lines and genetics. Some may be smaller in size while others can grow quite large. It’s important to monitor your dog’s growth and weight throughout their development to ensure they are healthy and not overweight or underweight.

It’s also worth noting that spaying or neutering your American Bully can affect their growth rate. Studies have shown that dogs who are spayed or neutered before reaching sexual maturity tend to suffer from various health and behavioural issues.

As always, consult with your veterinarian for guidance on when the best time is to spay or neuter your furry friend.

American Bully Growth Stages- PuppyHood to Adult

As your furry friend grows from a playful puppy to a mature adult, their body will undergo significant changes that you will want to take advantage of, so remember to track their progress and witness their incredible transformation.

The American Bully growth stages can be divided into three main phases: Puppyhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood.

During the first phase, which lasts until around 6 months of age, your pup will experience rapid growth and development. You’ll notice they become more active and curious about their surroundings.

In the second phase of American Bully growth stages, Adolescence (between 6 months to 2 years), you might observe some noticeable changes in your pup’s behavior.

They may become more independent and less interested in playtime with you or other dogs. Physical changes during this stage include muscle development and an increase in height and weight.

The final stage is Adulthood when your American Bully reaches its full size at around two years of age.

By now, they should have reached their maximum height and weight as per the breed standards. However, it’s important to note that individual variations exist within each litter even among siblings with different coat colors or patterns.

It’s always recommended to consult with your vet regarding nutrition requirements during these crucial developmental periods for your pet to ensure proper physical development and overall health throughout every stage of life.

What Are The Factors That Can Affect The Size of The American Bully?

Now that you’ve got a better understanding of the American Bully growth stages, let’s dive into what factors can affect their size.

Genetics play a significant role in determining how big or small your furry friend will be as an adult. As with any breed, there are variations within the American Bully gene pool that can lead to different sizes and shapes.

Another factor is nutrition. Providing your puppy with a proper diet during its growth stages is essential for its overall health and development. 

Feeding them too much or not enough can result in stunted growth or obesity, both of which can impact their size as an adult. It’s important to consult with your veterinarian about the appropriate food portions and types of food for your pup.

Lastly, exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy weight and promoting muscle development in American Bullies. 

Regular physical activity helps prevent obesity while building muscle mass, which contributes to their overall size and strength. 

However, over-exercising can also be harmful to growing puppies’ bones and joints, so it’s important to find the right balance between exercise and rest for optimal growth and development.

Health Issues That Can Hinder The Growth of the American Bully

If you want to ensure your furry friend grows up strong and healthy, it’s important to be aware of potential American bully health issues that may hinder their growth.

One common issue is hip dysplasia, which affects the joint connecting the thigh bone to the hip socket. This can cause pain and difficulty moving, ultimately leading to reduced physical activity and muscle development.

Another concern is thyroid problems, which can have a serious impact on growth and development. Hypothyroidism, for example, occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones. This can lead to weight gain, sluggishness, and delayed growth in puppies.

Lastly, nutrition plays a crucial role in ensuring the proper growth and development of your American Bully. A lack of essential vitamins and minerals can negatively affect bone density and overall health, leading to stunted growth or even serious health issues later on.

Be sure to consult with your veterinarian about a balanced diet for your pup to promote optimal growth.

How Can I Fatten Up My American Bully?

If you’re looking to add some extra weight to your furry friend, there are several ways that you can do so. One of the easiest methods is to increase their food portions gradually over time. However, it’s important to ensure that the food they’re eating is still nutritionally balanced and healthy for them.

You could also add healthy supplements to their diet like fish oil or pumpkin puree. Another thing to consider when trying to fatten up your American Bully is the type of protein they’re eating. A high-quality protein source like chicken or beef can help build muscle mass and increase weight in a healthy way.

Additionally, incorporating vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and green beans into their meals can provide additional nutrients without adding excessive calories. Lastly, don’t forget about exercise! While it may seem counterintuitive when trying to gain weight, regular exercise helps maintain muscle mass and overall health in your dog.

Playtime at the park or daily walks around the neighborhood are great ways to keep your pup active while helping them achieve a healthier weight. By following these tips and being patient with the process, you’ll be on your way to helping your furry friend reach their ideal size and weight in no time!


What is the history of the American Bully breed?

The American Bully breed was created in the 1990s by breeding American Pit Bull Terriers, the American Staffordshire Terrier, the English Bulldog, and various bulldog-type breeds. They were originally used for dog fighting, but now make loyal and loving pets. Learn more about American Bully history

What is the average lifespan of an American Bully?

The average lifespan of an American Bully is 10-12 years. Proper care and regular vet visits can help extend their life expectancy. Obesity and lack of exercise can shorten their lifespan.

How do you train an American Bully to maintain a healthy weight?

To maintain a healthy weight for your American Bully, establish a consistent feeding schedule with portion control. Incorporate exercise routines, such as walks and playtime. Avoid overfeeding and giving excessive treats.

Are there any specific dietary requirements for American Bullies?

You should feed your American Bully a high-quality diet with plenty of protein, healthy fats and limited carbohydrates. Avoid fillers, additives and low-grade ingredients. Consult with a veterinarian for personalized dietary recommendations.

Can American Bullies be prone to any behavioral issues, and how can they be addressed?

American Bullies can develop behavioral issues such as aggression, anxiety, and destructive behavior if not trained and socialized properly. Positive reinforcement training techniques and early socialization are key in addressing these issues.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations! You now have a better understanding of the American Bully size chart and how to determine the growth and size variations of your furry friend.

By measuring their height, weight, and body condition score, you can ensure that your American Bully is healthy and happy. Remember that there are several factors that can affect the size of your American Bully, including genetics, nutrition, exercise, and health issues.

It’s important to monitor their growth stages from puppyhood to adulthood and provide them with proper care along the way. If you’re looking to fatten up your American Bully, be sure to consult with a veterinarian for advice on healthy weight gain.

In conclusion, owning an American Bully comes with great responsibility in ensuring their well-being. Keep track of their size variations through regular measurements and provide them with adequate care for optimal growth and development. Your furry friend will thank you for it in the long run!

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2 thoughts on “American Bully Size Chart: Size Up Your American Bully with Confidence!!”

    • To tell if an American Bully is Standard or XL, just measure its height at the shoulders. If a male is taller than 20 to 23 inches (51 cm to 57 cm) or a female is taller than 19 to 22 inches (48 cm to 54 cm), it’s an XL. But if a male is between 17 to 20 inches (43 cm to 51 cm) or a female is between 16 to 19 inches (40 cm to 48 cm), then it’s a Standard.


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