When Will My Xl Bully Stop Growing?

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If you’re the proud owner of an XL bully, you may be wondering when your furry friend will reach full size. It’s normal to want to know how big your dog will get and what kind of space they’ll need as they continue to grow.

While every dog is unique, there are some general growth patterns that can help give you an idea of what to expect. Understanding these patterns can also help ensure that your XL bully grows up healthy and strong.

Factors like nutrition, exercise, and genetics can all impact growth rates and overall health, so it’s important to pay attention to these factors as well. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at when XL bullies typically stop growing, as well as some tips for ensuring optimal growth for your furry friend.

When Will My Xl Bully Stop Growing?

When will your XL bully stop growing? Well, according to a study by the American Bully Kennel Club, most XL bullies reach their full size between 18 months and 2 years old. However, this can vary depending on genetics, nutrition, and exercise(we will discuss this in detail below).

It’s important to note that even after reaching their full size, your XL bully may continue to gain weight due to muscle mass. This is why it’s crucial to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine for your pet.

Overall, while there’s no exact timeline for when your XL bully will stop growing, keeping up with proper nutrition and exercise can ensure they reach their full potential in both size and health.

Factors that might impact the Growth of the Xl Bully?

You might be curious about what factors can influence the growth of your American Bully XL.

  • One important factor is genetics. Your dog’s parents and their lineage can play a big role in how big your bully will get. If you got your pup from a reputable breeder, they should have provided information on the size of the parents and any potential health concerns that may impact growth.
  • Another factor to consider is nutrition. Feeding your XL Bully a balanced diet with appropriate amounts of protein, fat, and carbohydrates is crucial for ensuring healthy growth. Overfeeding or underfeeding can lead to health problems such as obesity or malnutrition which can affect growth rates.
  • exercise also plays a role in your dog’s growth. Regular activity helps maintain muscle tone and bone density which are important for healthy development. However, too much exercise can also lead to joint problems so it’s important to find the right balance for your individual dog.
  • Additionally, environmental factors such as stress levels or exposure to toxins can impact hormonal changes that may alter growth patterns. By understanding these factors, you can provide better care for your furry friend throughout its life span.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can help ensure that your XL Bully grows up healthy and happy. Remember to consult with a veterinarian if you have any concerns about your dog’s growth or overall health.

Average Growth Rate of XL Bully

If you’re considering getting an XL Bully, it’s important to note that on average, a Male XL bully can grow between 20- 23 inches tall while a female XL American bully can grow between 19- 22 inches and weigh between 70-120 pounds.

The growth rate of an XL Bully varies depending on various factors such as genetics and environmental conditions. However, in general, the breed reaches its maximum physical size at around two years old.

During the first year of life for an XL Bully, there is a significant amount of growth. They tend to grow rapidly during this period, with some gaining up to 10 pounds per month.

By the time they reach six months old, most XL Bullies will have doubled their weight from birth. Between six months and one year old, their growth rate slows down slightly but continues at a steady pace.

After reaching the age of one year old, the growth rate slows down substantially compared to earlier stages of life. It’s common for owners to notice a decrease in height and muscle mass development after this point.

Generally speaking, most XL Bullies reach full maturity by two years old and stop growing altogether by then.

American Bully Growth Stages

0 to 4 weeks

During the first stage of growth, which lasts from birth to 4 weeks, your XL American Bully will undergo significant changes. This is the time when they’ll double their birth weight, which is crucial for their healthy development.

4 to 8 weeks 

During this stage, They will begin to eat solid food, although they still rely on their mother’s milk for proper nutrition.

8-12 weeks

They start teething during this stage, and it’s a good time to introduce them to basic obedience training.

3 -6 months

During this stage, the American Bully puppy experiences a rapid growth spurt. They become more active and playful, and their adult teeth start to grow. 

6- 18 months and beyond  

During this stage, they are fully sexually matured and are considered adults their growth becomes slow down. And generally, around  18 months they generally stop growing however, some may grow until they are 2  years old.

How to Know an American Bully is Growing Healthy?

It’s fascinating to learn that American Bullies grow at a rapid pace during their first 4 months. They can gain up to 1.5-2.5 pounds per week or 5 – 10 pounds per month during their puppy stage, indicating healthy growth and development.

To make sure your bully is growing at a healthy rate, it’s important to monitor their weight and body condition regularly. 

A well-fed bully should have a waistline visible from above and a tucked-up belly when seen from the side.

Another way to know if your American Bully is growing healthy is by checking their coat and skin condition. 

Their fur should be shiny, smooth, and free of flakes or dandruff. A good diet rich in protein and nutrients will help maintain their coat’s shine while keeping their skin moisturized.

Lastly, pay attention to your bully’s energy levels as they grow. Healthy puppies are active and playful but also take time for naps throughout the day. 

If you notice any significant changes in behavior or activity level, consult with your veterinarian immediately as it may signal an underlying health issue that needs addressing.

By keeping an eye on these three indicators – weight, coat/skin condition, and energy levels – you can ensure that your American Bully is growing healthy!

Additional signs that you can look  into to ensure your pup is growing healthy-

  1. Bright and clear eyes
  2. Clean ears without any discharge or odor
  3. Good appetite and healthy weight gain
  4. Pink and moist gums
  5. Regular bowel movements without diarrhea or constipation
  6. Strong and sturdy body structure
  7. Social and friendly interaction with people and other animals.

Supplements that can support the healthy growth of the American bully

Here are some common supplements that are sometimes used to promote growth in American Bullies:

Multivitamins: These can provide additional vitamins and minerals to support overall health and growth.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 supplements, such as fish oil, can promote healthy skin and coat, reduce inflammation, and support joint health.

Calcium: Adequate calcium levels are important for healthy bone development. However, it’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian to ensure the correct dosage and ratio of calcium to phosphorus, as excessive calcium can lead to skeletal issues.

Probiotics: Probiotic supplements can help support a healthy digestive system and improve nutrient absorption.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin: These supplements are commonly used to support joint health and mobility, which can be beneficial for growing American Bullies.

Antioxidants: Antioxidant supplements, such as vitamin E or C, can help boost the immune system and protect against free radicals.

Remember, supplements should not replace a balanced and high-quality diet. They should be used as an additional measure, and the dosage should be determined based on the specific needs and health condition of your American Bully. 

Always consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new supplements to your dog’s diet.

Signs Your XL Bully is Approaching Full Size

As your XL Bully approaches full size, it’s important to observe changes in their body structure and behavior. This will help you understand when they’ve reached their maximum growth potential.

Here are some signs that your XL Bully is approaching full size:

  • Your dog’s appetite may decrease as they don’t require as much food for growth.
  • You may notice that your dog is less active than before because they have less energy for growing and developing.
  • Your dog’s coat may change texture or color as they mature.

It’s important to note that the timing of these changes can vary depending on a number of factors, such as feeding habits, exercise routines, genetic factors, environmental influences, and veterinary care. 

For example, if you don’t provide adequate nutrition or exercise for your XL Bully, they may not reach their full growth potential. On the other hand, a well-cared-for dog with proper nutrition and exercise may reach their full size earlier than expected.

If you’re unsure about whether your XL Bully has reached its full size or not, schedule an appointment with a veterinarian who can assess their overall health and development. They can also provide advice on how to maintain your dog’s health throughout its life.

By taking good care of your XL Bully from puppyhood to adulthood, you’ll ensure that they live a long and healthy life by your side!


What is the average lifespan of an XL Bully?

The life expectancy of an XL Bully can vary based on various factors such as size variations, nutritional requirements, and health concerns. Understanding the growth stages is crucial in ensuring their well-being throughout their lifespan.

Can XL Bullies be trained for protection?

Hey there! You can definitely train your XL Bully for protection, but it’s important to start with a temperament evaluation and proper socialization techniques. Make sure to check breed-specific legislation in your area and use personal protective equipment as needed.

How much exercise does an XL Bully need daily?

To keep an XL Bully healthy and happy, they need a consistent exercise routine that includes both playtime and outdoor activities. Their energy levels are high, but their physical limitations vary. Aim for at least 30-60 minutes of activity daily.

What is the best diet for an XL Bully?

To ensure optimal health for your XL bully, consider a balanced diet that meets their protein requirements. You may choose between raw or kibble, but supplement options and weight management should also be considered. A consistent feeding schedule is key.

Can XL Bullies live in apartments or do they need a yard?

XL Bullies can live in apartments but require ample indoor and outdoor space for exercise. Lack of space can cause behavioral challenges. Regular exercise options include walks, runs or playtime at a dog park. check the article Can American bully live outside? If you are planning to keep your bully outdoors.

Final Thoughts

So, when will my XL Bully stop growing? It’s hard to pinpoint an exact time frame as it can vary depending on several factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health. However, on average, American Bullies reach their full size and weight between 1 and 2 years old.

During the growth stages of your XL Bully, it’s important to monitor their development closely. Ensuring a healthy diet with proper nutrition and regular exercise can promote healthy growth while preventing obesity or other health issues.

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