Why Is My American Bully Always Hungry?

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If your American Bully’s hunger seems like a bottomless pit, always ready to gulp down food in sight, you might be wondering why your bully is always in search of its next meal.

So, why is your American Bully always hungry? Is it normal?

It is not normal for an American Bully to remain hungry all the time. If your bully is always hungry, then there is something wrong. Your bully might be suffering from some underlying health issues, gastrointestinal problems, diabetes, or hyperthyroidism, or you may not be providing them with sufficient food.

We will discuss this in detail further in the article.

So, stay tuned to uncover the layers behind your American Bully’s persistent hunger and learn how to ensure their dietary needs are truly being met.

Key Takeaways

  • Insufficient food portions can lead to nutritional deficiencies and health problems
  • Underlying health conditions such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism can cause increased appetite
  • Diagnosis and treatment by a veterinarian are crucial for determining the cause of excessive hunger and managing symptoms
  • Tips to manage hunger include adjusting portion sizes, providing a balanced diet, adhering to a consistent feeding schedule, and monitoring the dog’s weight.

9 Reasons Why Your American Bully Might Be Always Hungry

fat american bully sitting

Insufficient food portions

One common reason your American Bully may always seem hungry is that they may not be getting the required amount of food portions.

American Bullies are muscular and active dogs, requiring a balanced diet rich in protein and calories to sustain their energy levels. If you’re not feeding them enough, they’ll likely feel constantly hungry.

It is important to give your dogs the required amount of food daily to keep them healthy and satisfied.

You can also consult a veterinarian to discuss your bully’s diet to ensure you’re meeting their dietary requirements.


Your American Bully might be extra hungry all the time due to diabetes, a chronic condition affecting how their body handles sugar and energy.

In diabetes, your dog either doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use it properly. Insulin is crucial for turning food into energy, and without it working right, sugar builds up in their blood.

This high blood sugar can make your Bully constantly hungry because their cells aren’t getting the energy they need. Even if they eat more, they might still lose weight because their cells are desperate for energy, using up fat and muscle.

Watch for other signs like drinking a lot of water and peeing more. If you suspect diabetes, it’s important to get your dog checked by a vet.


Hyperthyroidism, though less common in dogs compared to cats, can make your American Bully constantly hungry because of an excess of thyroid hormone.

This speeds up your pet’s metabolism, causing them to lose weight quickly despite eating more.

If your dog is eating more but still getting thinner, and showing signs like increased thirst, urination, and hyperactivity, it could be hyperthyroidism.

Your vet can confirm this through blood tests measuring thyroid hormone levels.

If diagnosed, treatment options include medication, managing their diet, or, in some cases, surgically removing the affected thyroid gland.

Begging Behavior

Begging behavior in your American Bully may stem from various underlying issues, ranging from learned behaviors to medical conditions that cause an increase in appetite.

When your dog persistently seeks food, it’s critical to consider both behavioral and physiological factors.

However, if medical reasons are ruled out, consider that your Bully might’ve learned that begging leads to rewards. They’re intelligent animals and quickly associate actions with outcomes.

If you’ve consistently responded to begging with treats or extra food, you’ve likely reinforced the behavior. It’s important to establish consistent feeding routines and avoid reinforcing begging to prevent it from becoming a habitual action.

Psychological Issues

Psychological issues can also cause your dog to remain always hungry.

According to a study, it is observed that stress, depression or anxiety can cause changes in eating habits in dogs. 

This is known as emotional eating, and it’s not just a human thing. Watch out for other behavior changes like being lazy, getting mad, or not sitting still, as these could mean your dog is feeling emotionally uneasy.

If you think your dog’s always hungry because of emotional stress, talk to a vet or a dog behavior expert.


As dogs, like your American Bully, get older, their hormones change, which can mess with how hungry they feel. For instance, a decrease in a hormone called leptin makes them feel hungry all the time.

To keep your older dog healthy, keep an eye on their weight and adjust their food to avoid them getting too chubby. Being overweight can make their age-related health problems worse.

It’s a good idea to talk to your vet about a diet plan that fits your aging American Bully’s needs. This way, you can make sure they stay happy and healthy as they grow older.


Sometimes tumors in American Bullies can mess with how hungry they feel, making them constantly want to eat.

If your dog is always hungry and also shows other concerning signs like losing weight or being really tired, it could be because of a tumor.

One example is insulinomas, tumors in the pancreas that make too much insulin. This can lead to low blood sugar and make your dog super hungry.

Tumors in the stomach and intestines can also mess with how your dog’s body absorbs nutrients, making them hungrier to make up for it.

If you notice these signs, it’s important to see a vet. They can do tests to check for tumors or other health problems.

Gastrointestinal Issue

Gastrointestinal issues, ranging from parasites to malabsorption syndromes, may lead to persistent hunger in your American Bully as the body struggles to get the required nutrition from consumed food.

For example, parasites such as giardiasis can make it hard for the body to take in nutrients. This can make your dog always feel hungry because the body is trying to get more nutrition.

Also, conditions like exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) mean there aren’t enough digestive enzymes, making it difficult for the body to break down and absorb food.

If your dog is experiencing chronic hunger alongside symptoms like weight loss, diarrhea, or changes in stool quality, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian.

Cushing’s disease

Cushing’s disease, also called hyperadrenocorticism, could be making your American Bully super hungry because of too much cortisol produced by the adrenal glands.

This hormonal imbalance can cause various symptoms, including a big appetite. When cortisol levels are consistently high, it messes with how the body handles glucose, making your dog feel hungry all the time, even after eating.

If your Bully seems endlessly hungry and shows other signs like a lot of thirst, frequent peeing, and a round belly, it’s crucial to see a vet.

They can run tests to check for Cushing’s disease. Catching it early and managing it right are important for controlling symptoms and keeping your dog healthy.

Tips To Manage Your Dog’s Endless Hunger

If your American bully is always hungry, here are some tips to effectively manage their hunger-

Adjust portion sizes wisely

To control your American Bully’s constant hunger, start by adjusting their food portions based on their age, weight, and how active they are.

It’s important to find the right amount of calories they need. Feeding too much can lead to them getting overweight, while not enough might leave them lacking essential nutrients and still feeling hungry.

Talk to a vet to create a personalized feeding plan considering factors like metabolism and health. Once you have a plan, use a measuring cup or scale to be precise with each meal – don’t just guess.

If your dog is still hungry, try adding low-calorie veggies like green beans or carrots to their meals for extra volume without too many extra calories.

Keep an eye on your dog’s weight and adjust their portions as necessary.

Ensure a balanced diet

While adjusting portion sizes is fundamental, ensuring your American Bully receives a balanced diet is equally critical to curb their relentless hunger and maintain overall health.

A diet lacking essential nutrients can lead to increased hunger as your dog seeks out the missing components. It’s crucial to provide a diet rich in protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, tailored to their life stage and activity level.

Consult with a veterinarian to evaluate your pet’s specific dietary needs. They can recommend high-quality commercial food or guide you in preparing a balanced homemade diet.

Remember, treats should complement their diet, not replace it, and be given in moderation.

Proper nutrition is key to keeping your American Bully satisfied and healthy.

Stick to a regular feeding schedule

A consistent feeding routine can significantly reduce your American Bully’s excessive hunger by providing regular energy intake and maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

Consistent meal times not only help regulate your dog’s digestive system but also condition their body to expect food at certain intervals, reducing anxiety and overeating.

Research in canine nutrition suggests that a structured eating schedule can prevent obesity and related health issues by managing caloric intake more effectively.

You should feed your American Bully at the same times each day to reinforce their internal clock. Adjust the amount and frequency according to their age, size, and activity level, as recommended by a veterinarian.

Rule out health issues with vet checkups

To effectively manage your American Bully’s insatiable appetite, it’s crucial to schedule regular veterinary checkups to rule out any underlying health conditions that could be driving their excessive hunger.

Diseases that we already discussed such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and malabsorption syndromes can cause an increase in appetite.

Therefore, a thorough examination by your vet is essential to ensure that your dog’s constant hunger isn’t a symptom of a more serious issue.

By eliminating medical concerns, you can focus on behavioral strategies to control your dog’s appetite, confident in the knowledge that their health isn’t at risk.

Final Thoughts

Understanding why your American Bully seems always hungry is crucial for their well-being. Consider these nine reasons and employ practical strategies to regulate their appetite.

  • Proper nutrition, regular exercise, and medical attention when necessary can ensure your furry friend stays healthy and satisfied.
  • Remember, a balanced approach is key to managing your Bully’s hunger and overall health effectively.

If persistent hunger continues, don’t hesitate to consult a veterinarian.

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