Why Your American Bully Keeps Biting? How to Fix It!

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The American Bully is known for its gentle behavior and is an exceptional family dog. However, like any other dogs, American Bullies can bite as well. It is important to note that they are not an aggressive breed and will generally not bite without a reason.

Why does your American Bully keep biting?

Your American Bully may be biting because they want to play with you, seek your attention, or perhaps they are in pain or trying to protect something. They are not mean dogs at all, so if they are biting constantly, it usually indicates something.

In this article, I will discuss the possible reasons behind the American Bully’s biting behavior and will also provide some tips to correct this habit.

So, Let’s keep moving!

Reasons Why Your American Bully Keeps Biting

happy american bully puppy


If your American Bully is a puppy, then the reason behind your dog’s biting could be teething. Imagine the itchiness and soreness that come with new teeth pushing through gums; it’s no wonder they seek relief by chomping on anything they can find!

During this period, it’s crucial to provide your pup with appropriate chew toys. These not only soothe their gums but also redirect their biting instincts away from your hands or household items. Be patient and consistent; teething is a temporary stage.

With the right guidance and plenty of chewable options, your furry friend will learn what’s acceptable to bite and what’s not, easing the transition for both of you.


Bite-play is a common thing in the dog world. They might nip during playtime, which is their way of interacting and showing their playful side.

No need to worry – it’s usually not meant to be aggressive. Still, it’s crucial to handle it so it doesn’t become a problem.

Your Bully doesn’t realize that biting can hurt. They’re just trying to have a good time. That’s where you come in to teach them the right way to play.

You can go for bite inhibition training(it is a way of teaching your dog to be gentle with their playful biting or mouthing).

When they nip, guide their biting toward a toy or chew bone. By consistently doing this, you’re showing them what’s okay to bite.

If things get too rough, calmly end the play. This tells them that biting means the fun stops, helping them learn to play more gently.

Lack of socialization

Socialization is crucial for dogs, especially during their early months, and your American Bully is no exception.

Without proper socialization, they may not learn how to interact appropriately with other dogs and people, leading to fear or aggression, which can manifest as biting.

It’s important to remember that it’s never too late to start. Gradually introducing your Bully to new environments, people, and other pets can help them become more comfortable and reduce their urge to bite out of fear or uncertainty.

Attention-seeking behavior

Many American Bullies resort to biting as a way to grab your attention when they feel neglected or crave interaction.

It’s their method of saying, ‘Hey, look at me!’ If you’re often busy and your pup’s left to their own devices, they might turn to nipping as a form of communication.

It’s essential to understand that they’re not trying to be bad; they’re simply expressing a need for companionship and mental stimulation.

To address this, make sure you’re providing enough playtime, walks, and one-on-one moments.


bored american bully

If your American Bully is biting, it might be because they’re bored. It’s not just a phase; it’s their way of saying they need something to do.

Think about how you’d feel stuck with nothing to do – your Bully feels the same. They have lots of energy that needs an outlet. Without playtime, toys, or exercise, that energy can turn into biting.

Make sure to give them time for walks, runs, or play to tire them out. Remember, a tired Bully is a well-behaved Bully.


During playtime, your American Bully might start biting because they’re super excited. For them, the line between playing and nibbling can get a bit blurry.

When they’re really happy, they might start nipping as a way of expressing themselves. This is normal, and many people face the same thing.

To handle this, redirect their energy by giving them biting-friendly toys. Use consistent commands, reward calm behavior with treats and praise, and take breaks if things get too wild.

Fear or anxiety

Sometimes, American Bully dogs might bite because they’re scared or anxious. This doesn’t mean they’re bad dogs; it’s just how they react when they feel threatened.

To fix this, you need to figure out what’s scaring your dog. It could be loud sounds, new people, or changes in their surroundings.

Once you know what’s causing the fear, you can slowly get your dog used to it. This means exposing them to scary things in a safe way and comforting them with a calm attitude and positive rewards.

It takes time, so be patient. The biting won’t stop right away, but with consistent effort, it should get better.

Pain or discomfort

If your American Bully snaps or bites unexpectedly, it may be experiencing pain or discomfort. Dogs can’t verbalize their aches, so biting may be their way of telling you something’s wrong.

Pay close attention to when the biting occurs. Is it during play, grooming, or when being touched in a specific area? These cues can indicate where the pain might be.

It’s crucial to approach this behavior with understanding. Don’t scold your Bully; instead, try to determine the source of the pain.

If you’re unsure or the biting persists, consult your vet. They can diagnose issues ranging from dental problems to arthritis. Remember, addressing your Bully’s health concerns not only prevents biting but also ensures their overall well-being.


Another reason your American Bully may resort to biting is to assert dominance over you or other animals.

Dogs naturally navigate a world of hierarchy, and your Bully might be trying to climb the social ladder. If they’re not properly socialized, they mightn’t understand their place in the family pack and see biting as a way to establish control.

It’s important to address this behavior calmly and firmly. Show them that you’re the leader through consistent, positive reinforcement training.

Don’t respond with aggression, as it can reinforce the notion that they need to fight for their rank. Instead, establish rules and boundaries and stick to them.

With patience and proper training, your Bully can learn to express their confidence without resorting to biting.

Genetic predisposition

Your American Bully’s tendency to bite may also stem from their genetic makeup, which can influence their behavior.

Certain breeds, including American Bullies, have a history that may predispose them to more dominant or aggressive traits.

It’s not your fault, nor is it an inescapable fate for your dog. Understanding this aspect can point you towards the right training methods and socialization practices that cater to your Bully’s specific needs.

Tips To Correct American Bully’s Biting Behavior

American bully chewing stick

Use positive reinforcement

Implementing positive reinforcement techniques can effectively curb your American Bully’s biting habits.

This method involves rewarding your dog for good behavior, rather than punishing the bad. When your Bully refrains from biting, immediately praise them or offer a treat. This shows them that gentle behavior earns them positive attention and goodies.

It’s all about timing. You’ve got to catch your dog in the act of being good and reward them right away. Consistency is key—make sure everyone in your household follows the same approach, so your Bully isn’t getting mixed messages.

Provide chew toys

To stop your American Bully from biting, give them different chew toys. These toys are not just for fun—they’re a good way for your dog to chew without using your hands or wrecking furniture.

When you see your dog about to bite something they shouldn’t, guide them to a tough, safe chew toy. This helps protect your stuff, eases their gums, and keeps their teeth clean.

Choose toys that can handle your Bully’s size and strength, and switch them around to keep your dog interested. Always watch them during playtime to make sure they’re not breaking off pieces that could be dangerous if swallowed. You’re teaching your Bully what it’s okay to bite, one toy at a time.

Socialize Properly

Another crucial step in curbing your American Bully’s biting habit is to socialize them with other dogs. This interaction teaches them how to communicate and play nicely, recognizing that biting isn’t an acceptable form of greeting or play.

Start slowly, perhaps with one-on-one playdates with a calm, well-behaved dog. Always supervise these sessions closely, stepping in if play becomes too rough or if your Bully gets overexcited. Positive reinforcement is key—praise and reward your dog for good behavior around others.

If you’re unsure how to proceed, consider enrolling in a training class that emphasizes socialization. This structured environment can be ideal for your Bully to learn the ropes of canine etiquette in a controlled setting.

Establish clear boundaries

Make sure to establish clear boundaries to further discourage biting behavior. Setting limits teaches your pup what’s acceptable and what isn’t, helping to create a well-behaved companion.

Be consistent with your rules and the consequences of breaking them. If your Bully nips, respond immediately with a firm ‘No’ and redirect to a toy.

Don’t use physical punishment—it can lead to fear and aggression. Instead, use positive reinforcement like treats and praise when your dog shows good behavior.

Consult a professional trainer

If your American Bully keeps biting even after you set rules, it’s a good idea to get advice from a professional dog trainer. These experts know a lot about dog behavior and can come up with personalized strategies just for your pup.

Don’t worry if you need help – lots of people do! Getting a trainer is a responsible way to make sure you and your dog are safe and happy.

The trainer will watch how your American Bully acts and figure out what might be making them bite. Then, they’ll help you use effective training tricks to encourage good behavior and stop the biting.

It might take some time, but with patience and doing the training consistently, you’ll probably notice your dog getting better at not biting.


What is the bite force of an American Bully?

The average bite force of an American bully can be around 305 PSI can be slightly more or less.

At what age do puppies tend to bite a lot?

According to PetMD, a pup tends to bite a lot at the age of 13 weeks or 3 months because around this age, adult teeth start to grow, making the pup’s gums sore. Teething usually lasts until they are around 7 months old.

Final Thoughts

If your American Bully is biting, figuring out why is the first step. Train them consistently with positive rewards to help them develop better habits. Patience, love, and clear rules are crucial.

If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask a professional. Your efforts will strengthen your bond and make sure your Bully’s company is safe and enjoyable.

You can do it—guide your Bully to be the loving companion you believe they can be!

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