Do American Bullies Howl?

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If you are considering getting an American Bully and wondering whether they can howl,

the answer is yes. However, American Bullies are not known to howl frequently; they are generally a quiet breed. If your American Bully is howling, there is usually a specific reason for it, as they typically don’t express themselves through howling. Your Bully might be howling due to reasons such as pain, fear, health issues, and so on.

In this article, we’ll talk about why American Bullies might howl, if it’s normal for them, how to stop it, and more.

So, keep reading it till the end.

Is It Normal For an American Bully To Howl?

All dogs in the world including American bullies can howl. However, they are not known to howl a lot.

This is due to the history of these breeds. American bullies are designed to be household companion dog breeds.

American bullies were never been used in the past for any type of fieldwork where they need to howl to maintain communication with the owner or pet parent at a distance.

Additionally, historically, they are not known to work with dog packs either where they need to howl to express themselves with the other dogs.

So, yeah, if your American bully is howling occasionally then it is normal. However, if your bully is doing it a lot then there could be something wrong with them.

There can be various reasons why your American bully might be howling (will discuss below in detail).

7 Reasons Why Your American Bully is Howling

You may notice your American Bully howling for a variety of reasons. Each signal a different need or behavior.

If they’re howling for communication, they could be trying to establish their presence or connect with you or other dogs.

Howls that arise in response to sirens or during moments of excitement are particularly common. These howls reflect their acute hearing and social responsiveness.


Communication is the most common reason for your dog’s howling.

Below are some of the common reasons for communication through howling:

  1. Strange Sight: If your dog sees anything unusual or encounters a stranger, they might communicate with you through howling to alert you about it.
  2. Neighbouring Dogs: They might howl in response to calls from other neighboring dogs.
  3. Copying Your Voice: Dogs may attempt to participate in your conversations by imitating your voice through howling or engaging in similar vocal activities such as snorting or grunting.
  4. Requesting Treats: Dogs enjoy treats, so they might howl to convey their desire for treats and ask you for them.

Attention Seeking

If your American Bully realizes that howling grabs your attention, they might use it on purpose to get you to notice them.

This smart behavior shows they understand social cues in their environment. Dogs, like American Bullies, are social animals and do things to keep that social bond.

To figure out why your dog is howling, look at when it happens. If it’s mostly when they’re alone or when you’re busy, it’s likely their way of trying to get you to interact with them.

If you always respond when they howl, they might keep doing it to communicate. So, it’s important to tell the difference between attention-seeking howls and those driven by other needs or instincts.

Loneliness or Anxiety

Loneliness or separation anxiety may be causing your American Bully to howl. If you’re hearing complaints from neighbors about your dog howling when you’re not around, the likely reason is separation anxiety.

When left alone for long periods, they may feel isolated and anxious, leading to vocalizations like howling.

Check their environment for clues; a lack of interactive toys, no other pets, or a quiet home might make loneliness worse. It’s important to address these feelings, as chronic loneliness can lead to more severe anxiety issues.

To reduce their need to howl due to loneliness, find ways to make their alone time more engaging.

Responding To Sirens

When a siren goes off, your American Bully might start howling. The high-pitched sounds can trigger a natural response from your pet.

This behavior goes back to their wild ancestors. In the wild, dogs howl to talk to their pack far away.

So, when your Bully hears a siren, it might think it’s a call from a faraway pack member and howl in response.


When your dog is excited, they might howl to let everyone know how thrilled they are, kind of like how their ancestors would’ve told their pack about an exciting discovery.

Howling when excited is also a way for them to let out extra energy.

During moments of high excitement, like when they greet you after a long day or are eager for a favorite activity, the howling is like a physical expression of their inner enthusiasm.

Health issue

If your American Bully’s howling is persistent and seems out of character, it may be a sign of an underlying medical issue that needs attention.

Howling can be an expression of pain or discomfort. Conditions such as ear infections, dental problems, or gastrointestinal distress or injury might be the cause.

It’s also important to consider age-related conditions in older dogs, such as arthritis or cognitive dysfunction, which can cause confusion and anxiety, leading to howling.

It is always better to consult a vet in this situation as American bullies are not usually vocal. and won’t make noises unless they are really in pain.

Environmental stimuli

Your American Bully might howl in response to things happening around them, like loud noises or strangers. This breed is naturally protective, so howling can be their way of saying they’re alert or uneasy about changes nearby.

Things like sirens, fireworks, or high-pitched sounds can make them howl.

Sometimes, your dog might be howling because they hear other dogs doing it far away. It’s like they’re having a long-distance conversation with other canines

How To Stop Your American Bully From Howling

To mitigate your American Bully’s howling, it’s crucial you first pinpoint what triggers this behavior.

Training your dog to howl on command couples the howling with a controlled cue, thereby reducing random outbursts.

Implementing positive reinforcement, alongside increased mental and physical activities, effectively redirects their energy and curbs excessive howling.

Identify the trigger

Understanding the reasons behind your American Bully’s howling is the first step in addressing this behavior.

Howling can be a form of communication or a response to environmental triggers. It’s crucial to observe when and where the howling occurs.

Does it happen in response to certain sounds, such as sirens or musical instruments? Is it a reaction to loneliness or boredom when you’re away? Perhaps it’s an expression of stress or discomfort.

Teach Them To Howl On Command

Once you’ve identified your American Bully’s howling triggers, teaching them to howl on command can stop unwanted vocalizations.

This process involves associating a specific cue, such as a verbal command or hand signal, with the act of howling.

Start by prompting your dog to howl, either by using a trigger or waiting for a natural howl. When they begin to howl, immediately use your chosen command and reward them with a treat or praise.

Consistency and timing are crucial; ensure you issue the command each time they howl and reward them promptly.

With repetition, your American Bully will learn to associate the command with howling and will eventually respond to the cue alone, giving you control over their vocal expressions.

Use positive reinforcement

Building on your efforts to teach your American Bully to howl on command, you’ll find that using positive reinforcement is key to discouraging excessive howling.

Essentially, positive reinforcement involves rewarding your dog for desired behaviors, which in this case means offering treats, praise, or playtime when they remain quiet instead of howling unnecessarily.

It’s important to be consistent and timely with your rewards so that your American Bully can make a clear association between their silence and the positive outcome.

When they do howl inappropriately, avoid giving attention, as even negative attention can reinforce the behavior.

Instead, wait for a moment of quiet to offer praise. This methodical approach encourages your American Bully to understand and adopt the behavior you wish to see.

Provide mental stimulation

Why not engage your American Bully’s mind to curb their howling? Mental stimulation is a powerful tool in mitigating unwanted behaviors, such as excessive vocalization.

A bored dog is more likely to express its frustration through howling, but you can redirect this energy.

Implement interactive toys that challenge your pet, like puzzle feeders that require problem-solving to access treats.

Training sessions are another great way to keep their mind occupied. Teach new tricks or practice obedience drills to keep their mind sharp.

Increase physical activity

To reduce your American Bully’s howling, increase their exercise. More physical activity is linked to fewer unwanted behaviors like howling.

This breed has a lot of energy, and if they can’t release it properly, they might express it by howling.

Create an exercise plan that includes both endurance and strength activities, like brisk walks, runs, or tug-of-war. The aim is to tire them out physically and mentally, making them more relaxed.

Regular, daily exercise not only stops howling but also keeps them healthy.

Use calming music

Calming music can be a powerful tool in your arsenal to reduce your American Bully’s howling. Scientific studies have shown that certain types of music, particularly classical or soft instrumental, can have a calming effect on dogs and can make them bark less.

When your Bully is exposed to soothing melodies, it can help alleviate anxiety, which is often a trigger for howling. You’ll want to play the music at a low volume in a comfortable environment where your pet feels safe.

It’s important to observe your dog’s reaction to different genres and compositions, as individual responses can vary.

The right auditory environment mightn’t only reduce howling but also promote relaxation and improve overall behavior.

Consistently incorporating calming music into your dog’s routine could lead to a quieter, more tranquil household.

Spend Some Time

Spending more time bonding with your American Bully can really help stop their howling.

Dogs often howl because they’re anxious or want attention. When you give your Bully more time and attention, you’re dealing with these reasons directly.

Do things like exercise, training, and play with your dog regularly. It not only makes your bond stronger but also keeps your pet’s mind and body active, lowering the chance of them howling due to stress.

Consult With The Professionals

Lastly, If your American Bully keeps howling no matter what, it’s a good idea to talk to a professional trainer or behaviorist.

They’ll look closely at your dog’s surroundings, routine, and behavior to figure out what’s causing the howling. These experts can spot triggers and reasons that might not be obvious to you.

They use proven methods to change behavior, making sure your actions are both kinds and work well.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, American Bullies are not known to howl, and you will rarely see them howling. Occasional howling is nothing to worry about; it is completely normal.

However, whenever your dog howls, you should understand the reason behind it to determine if something is wrong.

In this case, consult a vet to check if the howling is due to some underlying health problems. If it is not due to some health issue, then you don’t have to worry about howling.

But, if howling bothers you, you can try the above-mentioned tips to minimize it.

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